
Albany Musicians’ Association, Local 14 AFM
PO Box 189
Delmar, NY 12054
(518) 669-2163

Local 14 Officers and Executive Committee 2024-26
John Van Voris, President (518) 669-2163
Carmen Lookshire, Vice-President, Webmaster 
Anna Lammly, Secretary-Treasurer 
Diane Geddes, Recording Secretary, Referrals and Outreach (518)-489-7652
Elias Assimakopoulos, Executive Committee
Tony Schettino, Executive Committee
Joe Finn, Executive Committee
Bronte Roman, Executive Committee
Alex Atchley, Executive Committee


Local 14 Jurisdiction:
All of Albany and Rensselaer Counties; also Durham, Greenville, New Baltimore and Coxsackie in Green County; all of Columbia County except New Lebanon and Canaan (which are in the jurisdiction of Local 171, Springfield, MA).